You can list a new Cause in OrgHQ and submit it for approval by the GiveNow support team.
Before you can list your first Cause, you need to have registered your organisation on GiveNow. Only OrgHQ Administrators can list new causes.
List a new Cause
- Log in to OrgHQ.
- Go to Manage Causes, under Causes & Donations in the OrgHQ menu, and select + Add new cause at the top right.
- In each of the tabs Display, Donation form, Settings, add your Cause details, making sure all fields marked with a red asterisk are complete - select Save and Continue to proceed from one tab to the next.
- After you select Save and Continue from the Settings tab, you will go to the Preview & Submit page, where you can either select Back & Edit at the top left of the page, or Submit at the top right of the page.
- After you Submit your Cause, GiveNow staff will review it within two business days and contact you if anything needs to be changed. After your Cause has been approved, you will receive an email notification and you can start collecting donations!