While most supporters will purchase a membership directly through GiveNow, we know that your organisation may have unique cases where it does not work for a support to purchase a membership for example, gifted life-time memberships, or unique payment scenarios. You can create an 'offline' member record, so that their details are stored centrally alongside all other members, but they have some unique differences
Members created through this process will:
- not have any automatic emails sent to them from GiveNow.
- not auto-renew.
- not have any receipts generated through GiveNow.
- be able to update their details with a MyGiving account.
To create an 'offline' member
- Login to OrgHQ.
- Go to View Members, located under Memberships in the OrgHQ menu.
- Select Add new member.
- Select the Member type for the member that you wish to create, and then populate the contact details and question answers for the member type.
- Select Save.
Please note: No automated email is sent to these offline members from the GiveNow system, as organisations will add a member for many and varied reasons. Please ensure that your organisation emails these members, and include the link to new members to login via https://www.givenow.com.au/login to update their details.