You can monitor and troubleshoot communication with Salesforce using the logs page, which can be accessed from the Salesforce Details page.
Clicking on 'View Logs' above will open up the Salesforce Integration Logs.
The table above contains the information that was logged during communication with Salesforce. Each row represents one request to Salesforce. The requests are categorised by "Action for (subject)" and operation. For example, Action for Cause Campaign and operation Create Campaign.
Operation Time - the timestamp of the operation
Reference - the reference to the object that was involved in the operation. For example, donation receipt, cause url, contact reference.
Operation - type of communication to Salesforce:
- Create Contact
- Create Campaign
- Create Donation
- Update Contact
- Update Campaign
- Update Donation
Action For - subject of communication to Salesforce:
- GiveNow Root Campaign
- Cause Campaign
- Once-Off Donation Campaign
- Regular Donation Campaign
- CrowdRaiser Campaign
Result - resulting status of operation to Salesforce. It indicates if the operation was successful or failed.
Description - provides details of the operation
Log Filter
You can filter to reduce the log and search for necessary information. The filter provides the following options:
- Keyword - displays the records containing keyword in any column of the table
- Operation Action - filters for selected action subject
- Operation Type - filters for selected operation
- Operation Result - filters by successful or failed operations
- Start Time, End Time - provides date range for operation
The filter can be reset by "Clear filter" and the platform will then display the full log.