There are three steps in configuration the organisation Salesforce platform for GiveNow
- Receive the email instructions
- Install the GiveNow Salesforce managed package, provided in the email
- Configure the salesforce connected application as per email
Email Instructions to integrate GiveNow with Salesforce
The example of the email that is sent to the OrgHQ administrator is provided below. The email contains the instructions for installation of the GiveNow managed package (Step 1) and setting up a salesforce connected application (steps 2 - 35)
Hi John,
In order to integrate Salesforce with GiveNow, you will first need to install the integration package and then set up a Connected App at your Salesforce instance and configure the application to communicate to GiveNow. To do so, please follow these steps:
- Use this GiveNow Salesforce Production Integration Package or GiveNow Salesforce Sandbox Integration Package to login into your Salesforce production account and prepare your Salesforce for GiveNow integration. Follow the package installation instructions.
- Log in into your Salesforce account
- Go to SETUP
- Go to Apps / App Manager
- Select "New Connected App". The New Connected App wizard will walk you through creating a connected app.
- Enter Connected App Name. We recommend starting your App Name with the 'GiveNow' prefix followed by the name of the organisation you used in your GiveNow account
- API Name will be generated automatically by salesforce using your Connected App Name you have entered in the previous step. We recommend using the name generated by the salesforce
- Enter Contact Email. This field should contain valid email of the person responsible for maintaining the salesforce connected apps.
- In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) check Enable OAuth Settings
- In the Callback URL please enter the GiveNow callback url:
- Under Selected OAuth Scopes select "Manage user data via API's (api)", "Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)" and add that into the Selected OAuth Scopes list
- Save the connected app. You will be redirected to your Connected App's page
- Please record the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Those will be required for linking your Salesforce account with OrgHQ in GiveNow.
- Follow the steps 14 - 26 to make sure that the alerts for duplicates on Account and Contacts are disabled.
- Go to SETUP
- Go to Data / Duplicate Management / Duplicate Rules
- Select "Standard Account Duplicate Rule"
- Select "Edit"
- "Action On Create" should be "Allow", Alert unchecked, Report checked
- "Action On Edit" should be "Allow", Alert unchecked, Report checked
- Save
- Go to Data / Duplicate Management / Duplicate Rules
- Select "Standard Contact Duplicate Rule"
- Select "Edit"
- "Action On Create" should be "Allow", Alert unchecked, Report checked
- "Action On Edit" should be "Allow", Alert unchecked, Report checked
- Save
- Follow the steps 28 - 33 to make sure that OAuth policies' preference is set to "Permitted Users".
- Go to SETUP.
- Go to Apps / Connected Apps / Manage Connected Apps.
- In the main screen, click on <Your App Name> link in the list of Connected Apps.
- Under "OAuth policies" section, check if "Permitted Users" field's value is "All users may self-authorize". If it is not, follow below steps.
- Click on "Edit Policies" button.
- Select "All users may self-authorize" option for "Permitted Users" field.
- Click "Save".
After you finish the setup of the GiveNow connected app, please continue using this link with the configuration of your Salesforce account in GiveNow.
If you have any questions, take a look at our FAQ page.
If you still have questions, you can email or call 03 9320 6848.
Kind regards,
The GiveNow Team
GiveNow managed package
The email Instructions to integrate GiveNow with Salesforce contain 2 links for installing the GiveNow managed package.
The package installation can take a few minutes.
After the installation is complete the GiveNow Integration Upgrade package is listed in the list of Salesforce installed packages.
The list of expected package components is provided in the image below.
Package components
The GiveNow Integration Upgrade package contains GiveNow specific fields, records types, and page layouts
GiveNow Contact Reference - references GiveNow contact identifier which can be found on the GiveNow donor page.
GiveNow Regular Giving - record type, marks the campaigns that correspond to GiveNow regular donations.
GiveNow Regular Giving Layout - page layout for campaigns that correspond to GiveNow regular donations.
GiveNow Giving - record type, marks any campaign that corresponds to GiveNow donation, except regular donations (they use GiveNow Regular Giving record type, see above)
Date of the Last Donation - field, the date of the last regular donation
Date Of the Next Donation - field, the date when the next regular donation is expected
Frequency (GiveNow) - field, the frequency of the regular donation, is a picklist from the following values
- One-Off
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Annually
GiveNow Giving Payment Method - field, pick list from the GiveNow payment types:
- Credit Card
- Direct Debit
GiveNow Cause ID - field, GiveNow cause unique reference, corresponds to the cause URL part.
GiveNow Cause Status - field, pick list from the GiveNow causes statuses:
- Incomplete
- Pending
- Approved
- Rejected
- Deleted
- Closed
- Hidden Open
Regular Donor - field, reference to Salesforce contact
GiveNow Regular Giving Status - field, pick list from the GiveNow regular donation statuses:
- Active
- Inactive
- Failed
- Cancelled
- Expired
GiveNow Record Type - record type, special record type for GiveNow donations, can be selected in GiveNow salesforce integration configuration as the record type for opportunities created by GiveNow, however, it is up to the user which record type is used for such opportunities.
GiveNow Integration Notes - field, contains information about how the campaign and contact are resolved for the opportunity.
GiveNow Receipt Number - field, corresponds to GiveNow donation receipt number
Frequency (GiveNow) - the frequency of the donation, is a picklist from the following values
- One-Off
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Annually
Setting up a connected application
Follow the steps 2 to 35 to create the salesforce connected app and configure it.
After finishing the setup, the salesforce provides the connected application view.
Wait for 5 - 10 minutes for the salesforce to enable the application, and then use the Customer Key and Customer Secret in the GiveNow configuration page to connect to the Salesforce platform.
Other considerations
The GiveNow specific fields are not visible in the standard page layout. The user might consider to review the page layouts and add the fields or create new page layouts.
Salesforce administrator might consider to set up the field level security for the users accessing GiveNow specific fields.
Salesforce administrator might consider setting up a Process Builder automation to update the standard Campaign Status field based on the custom GiveNow Cause Status field.