Using your MyGiving account you can update your credit card or direct debit details for active regular donations, see your donation history and change the frequency and amount of your regular donations.
If we cannot process your donations for 3 times in a row, because the details are incorrect, we automatically cancel future donations. If you to continue to donate to the organisation, you will need to start a new regular donation.
Update payment details for active donations
- Login to MyGiving.
- Go to Regular Donations, located under Donations in the MyGiving menu.
- Select the Manage button on the right-hand side of each of the regular donations you wish to update.
- Select Update in the Update Payment Details box.
- Enter your new credit card details, or for a change of bank details for a direct debit tick 'I accept the Direct Debit' and enter your new bank details, and select Save to apply the changes.
Change from credit card to direct debit donation or vice versa
To change from a credit card payment to a direct debit bank payment, you will need to cancel your regular donation and set up a new one.