If you are a donor or supporter, MyGiving is where you control everything to do with your donations and CrowdRaisers.
Once logged in, you can view and manage your regular donations, create and manage your CrowdRaiser efforts, as well as review your previous donation history.
How do I access MyGiving?
1. Click on Login in the top right banner of the GiveNow screen. Enter your email and password.
2. Your name will now appear. Click and select MyGiving from the drop down menu.
The homepage of MyGiving looks similar to this screen:
In MyGiving you are able use the left hand side menu to navigate to:
- Overview: See a list and summary of all donations and purchases made.
- Donations: View all donations and manage your regular donations.
- CrowdRaisers: Create, edit and manage your own "CrowdRaiser" fundraising page that you may have created to support your favourite community organisations on the GiveNow platform.
- Memberships: View and edit any membership registrations you may have completed on the GiveNow platform for a community organisation(s).