The usual way to create a CrowdRaiser is to create it manually with a 4 step process from the live cause page on It only takes a few minutes.
However, if you have hundreds of supporters who need a unique CrowdRaiser page and you have someone in your organisation willing to organise them all, we can assist with bulk uploading these details to create hundreds of pages quickly. This keeps the task time efficient and well controlled.
The team at GiveNow have the ability to help you upload hundreds of your supporters, which will make this task as simple as possible. The process is as follows:
- GiveNow team sends a spreadsheet to the Organisation.
- The Organisation completes the spreadsheet to provide the individual data.
- GiveNow uploads the data, which triggers an automated email to participating individuals.
- The CrowdRaisers makes the CrowdRaiser live by clicking the link in the email.
The details in the excel spreadsheet template includes:
- CrowdRaiser page name
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Text
- Closing date and time
- Target (if appropriate)
For each spreadsheet, you are able to nominate one graphic for each of the cover photo, profile picture, additional image (optional) and video (optional).
If you would like to use this bulk upload facility, or would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact the GiveNow team on or 03 9320 6848.
There is currently no fee for this bulk upload facility support.