A team CrowdRaiser™ can include as many team members as you like, with the person who initiates the setting up of the team as the “creator”.
The creator will select the option "Team" in step #2 in the CrowdRaiser setup.
By including the email addresses of the intended team members, they will receive an email invitation to be part of this CrowdRaiser. The email will include the message above, as well as a link to accept the invitation to participate. If the intended team member clicks on the link, enters their name and password they will be verified in the system, and their invitation to participate as a team member is accepted.
Once a team member has accepted the invitation, a few things happen:
#1. The name of each team member will appear in the transaction page, allowing donors to nominate the team member they would like their donation to be tagged against. There is also the option for donors to select “General team” in case the donor prefers to support the team as a whole. For example:
#2. Through the "MyGiving" portal, any team member:
- Can log in and edit the team's CrowdRaiser page - both the content and the images.
- Can see a tally of how much they have raised, relative to the rest of the team.
- Has access to view who has donated to the general team, as well as those that have donated specifically under their name.
#3. New team members can be invited at a later date (for an individual who wants to convert to a team, or an existing team that wants to become larger). But this can only be done by the team creator.